*Writer's Warning: This was a long trip, and therefore this will be a long blog :)
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
This morning my roommate Abby left with Alyshia to join Katie and her family in Dublin! I will miss them, but I'm SO excited for Turkey! I woke up around 7 and finished my packing... because you know me, it would have been too difficult to do it last night. Mom and Dad were ready at 8, and we left for the train station. We took the train to Breclav, then switched trains and went on to Budapest, Hungary. The train to Budapest was a nice ride and we had our own car for most of the way. We went and got chicken wraps from the dinner cart and beer for lunch. When we got into Budapest, I knew my way around a bit from the last time I was here, so we went to the InfoCenter. We booked our hotel room (because you know us, it would have been too difficult to do this earlier) and a taxi took us to the hotel. The hotel was the BudaCastle Fashion Hotel. It was on the other side of the Danube River, so it was on the Buda side. The hotel was really nice. From the hotel we walked down to the downtown area across the chain bridge. It started raining pretty hard along the way. I led Mom and Dad to the area for the dinner cruise, which was what we had planned for that night. We ducked into a cafe for coffee and to get out of the rain. After if finally quit raining, we went and bought our tickets for the cruise. We walked around for awhile in the shopping district before it was time to go. We boarded the cruise and were given champagne and wine. The dinner was a buffet and it was very good. There was also a gypsy band that played, which was pretty entertaining. The cruise was beautiful. We just went up and down the Danube River and saw all the buildings including the Parliament. Afterwards we walked across the chain bridge to the hotel.
Looking at Parliament from across the Danube |
Mom and Dad in Budapest |
Sunset on the Danube River |
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
This morning we checked out of the hotel but left our bags in a room until it was time for our flight. We walked through some markets and went downtown again. Of course we got caught in the rain again, so we went into another cafe for coffee. We wandered around and went into some antique stores. That afternoon, Mom and I got "fish" pedicures. Afterwards we walked across the chain bridge for the last time and went back to our hotel. We had a cab take us to the airport, which was about an hour long ride. We got all checked in at the airport and ate pizza in the food court. We forgot we would have a meal on the plane. But it's probably a good thing we ate, because we had accidently signed up for the Kosher meal, which consisted of weird fish balls, eggplants, and I don't know what else.. After landing in Turkey, we went and got our Visas, which cost $20 each. Afterwards, we collected our bags, went to the InfoCenter, and found a hotel. A guy for the company drove us to the hotel and we checked in. We were put in a very tiny hotel room, with barely a foot between the two beds.
Fish!! |
Thursday, May 24, 2012
We slept in today since we were up so late after the flight last night. We set out to explore. We walked around the streets and found the Grand Bazaar, which is hundreds of shops in a building that is hundreds of years old. It was really cool to see, but overwhelming. It's just shop after shop, and there are people everywhere. The shops were full of the most beutiful bright pottery, eveil eye sculptures, and handmade rugs and lamps. It's really amazing. We walked around for a long time before we had kebabs in the bazaar. The kebabs were really good. We set off for the Blue Mosque. We heard the call to prayer, which was really cool to hear. It sounds like a song, and everyone chants and it's played over loud speakers throughout the entire city. It was truly amazing. We had supper near our hotel and I had an Efes Beer, which was really good. It had a "coffee aroma, dark brown flavor" that was awesome. We walked around some more and we went into Razaman's shop. We met Razaman earlier in the day. He owned one of the souvenir shops and we thought his was one of the better ones. It had lots of pottery, rugs, and lamps. He was a lot of fun to talk to. He asked Mom and Dad, "How many camels for Hayley?" Flattering. But weird.
Looking across the Marmar Sea in Turkey |
Walking to the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul |
Dad :) |
Definitely not Nebraska sweet corn! |
The Blue Mosque |
Spice shop! |
The Bosphorus Bridge, connecting Europe and Asia |
Welcome to Asia! |
13+ Million People in Istanbul |
Seasons and Spices |
Friday, May 25, 2012
We woke up early this morning and went on the Hop On, Hop Off Bus. We got to see a lot of the highlights in Istanbul, and even drove into Asia. We got off the bus around noon near the Egyptian Bazaar. The Egyptian Bazaar was similar to the Grand Bazaar, but they had less jewelry and more tools and tin and other stuff like that, so Dad really liked it. We walked around for quite awhile. They also had a garden and pet section. It was weird because they had a lot of leeches for sale. And it was sad because they had puppies, and I wanted to take all of them! After the Bazaar, we got back on the bus and drove around some more before we finished. We walked home and stopped at at Turkish place for a late lunch - it was almost 4 p.m. We went back to the room because we had tickets to see Turkish dancers at 7. However, the guy at our front desk messed up and wasn't able to get tickets for tonight, so we just wandered around instead.
Inside one of the markets in Istanbul |
A Turkish boy and his mom playing with pigeons. |
Mom and Dad in front of one of the mosques. |
Dad getting some tea. |
A vegetable stand in one of the markets. |
Saturday, May 26, 2012
We woke up this morning and walked around for awhile before walking to the big bridge that has shops under it. On top of the bridge, there are a ton of fisherman. Underneath, they have lots of little restaurants. We walked across and went into the fish market. We ate at a little place that seemed to be more for locals than tourists, which I think is always a good sign. There were dogs and cats and even roosters right next to us. We all had fish, of course, and mine was really good. We walked around the fish market and that kind of went into a hardware market. It was all pretty cool. We meandered home and got ready for our Turkish Bath experience! Meanwhile, there have been demonstrations going on all day. There is a mosque that has been turned into a museum for tourists and the Turkish men have been demonstrating because they are upset they aren't allowed to pray there anymore. We watched them march, which was pretty neat. Since there were so many people out, traffic was really messed up. There was a guy that was supposed to take us to the Baths, but it took him quite awhile to get to us. The population of Istanbul is over 13 million people, so you have to understand this is a huge place! We finally made it to the bath house. It was a little awkward because we didn't really know what to do. However, we figured it out pretty fast. They had us each go into a room and undress and grab a towel. Then we were put into the sauna. Together. With my mom and dad. I was a little worried about where this was headed, but a guy eventually came and took my dad to a separate area. Then a lady took my mom and I into a room that had a massage-table kind of block in the middle. We were both loofahed, massaged, and washed. It was quite the experience. Definitely a cultural lesson.
That night, we went to the Whirling Dervishes. The Whirling Dervishes is a ceremony that represents religious and cultural aspects for the Turkish. When we walked into the building, it had a super strong smell of perfume, and gave me an instant headache. The ceremony was surprisingly repetitive. We didn't really know what to expect. After the Dervishes, we wandered around, had supper and shopped in some souvenir stores. We walked around for awhile before going back to the hotel. Then I booked our hotel for tomorrow night in Budapest before bed.
Fish Market |
Powders to make paint. |
Fish market and a mosque. |
People of Istanbul |
Sunday, May 27, 2012
This morning we went on a bus for our tour. We had planned to do a little tour and cruise for our last day in Istanbul. The first part was on bus, and they took us to the spice market. WE had a guide that explained things along the way, and then we were dropped off at the market for a little bit. We went back to the bus after half an hour and they drove us to the boat. When we got to the docks, there were little stands selling souvenirs. We were about to the boats when Mom spotted some jester hats that had soccer teams. There was a Chelsea hat (which is Dr. Clark's FAVORITE team) and I had to get it. I ran back to buy it and then ran back to get in line with Mom and Dad onto the boat. The boat was big, and had had an upper deck and a lower deck. Dad went upstairs and Mom and I stayed down. Tons of people were getting on, and after awhile we finally got started. After about ten minutes, without any sign of a speaker or tour guide, Mom was nervous we had gotten on the wrong boat. We just kind of laughed... but then realized, maybe we really did. Well after awhile we noticed we were going straight down the sea and not near the shore, so we started getting pretty worried. I went up and told Dad I thought we were on the wrong boat and he came downstairs with us. So then I went up to the snack bar and tried asking the guys that were working where we were going. And they said..... brace yourself....... we were headed for the Prince's Islands! Now, the Prince's Islands are a great destination, don't get me wrong. However, we had a flight from Istanbul > Budapest for 6 p.m. We were supposed to leave our hotel at 3:00, so this was a little nerve racking considering they told us the first boat to leave the islands wasn't until 2:30. Well, let me tell you, my dad was not too happy about this situation. Well, neither were my mom or I, but while in the middle of the Bosphorus Sea, there wasn't a lot we could do about it. Needless to say, this was the worst cruise of my life. Long story short, we ended up getting on a taxi ferry from one of the islands back to Istanbul at 12:30. We FINALLY got to land around 2 and we flew off the ferry into a taxi. Well, after some confusion on our taxi driver's part (Turkish/English problems...) he stopped to ask someone to translate. We finally realized we were on the Asian side of Istanbul, not on the European side where our hotel was. Our taxi driver would be able to take us there, but he wanted to make sure we knew what we were doing. It was about a 40 minute drive and we finally made it back to the hotel. We flew upstairs, threw our luggage together, and were ready for the car to take us to the airport by 3:00. Then we found out the car wouldn't be there until 3:30, so we actually had some down time, but we were all antsy.
We finally made it to the airport, and then onto Budapest. We stayed in a hotel that night, and left for Olomouc in the morning.
Watching the seagulls on our "cruise", AKA ferry to the Princes Islands. |
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
We finally made it back to Olomouc around 2:30 p.m. Mom and Dad left for Prague at 3:00, and I went back to the dorms for my last couple of days in the Czech Republic!!